Axentie of ZWH

mr brown colar

Axentie of Ziva's Wheaten Home

The meaning of the name: advanced. He fought for his life, was tempted but has grown into a strong male who always led the gang no rogue operation. good and loves to cuddle.

Axentine is a hero – he is defeated for his life. He was born like a 4 in a litter and with his love, he clapped everything. He is the baby that everyone is watching and barking. Now he lives in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and we are together. Growing up in a very nice little one, with a fantastic temperament. he completed the basis of the school of obedience – that is especially for him: he is good with all dogs, and towards people, he shows an incredible amount of love and energy.


View Pedigree
15 days old
3 months old
24 – 36 months old (2019)
42 days old
In new home
70 days old
12 – 24 months old (2018)