Anubis of ZWH

mr purple colar

Anubis of Ziva's Wheaten Home

The meaning of the name: the royal child. Male, beautiful structure and a great temperament, playful, independent, dynamic. He loves to jump.

Anubis aka Nubi now lives in Zagreb, Croatia. He has a wonderful family with whom he has a lot of fun in nature and activities. In the first year of life, Anubis ended the school of obedience.

Anubis is a strong young male with an authentic typical Irish coat, which mum Dusica nurses and is always up to the standard of a groom, so wherever they go, everyone watches. It is very good for other dogs, but also for children.


View Pedigree
15 days old
3 months old
24 – 36 months old (2019)
42 days old
In new home
70 days old
12 – 24 months old (2018)