Alethe Villa of ZWH

miss yellow colar

Alethe Villa of Ziva's Wheaten Home

The meaning of the name: Noble.

Strong female, good-natured, very cuddly and at the same time its free.

Alathea Villa aka Emma is a proud and beautiful female, who lives in Finland with a wonderful mom and two more wheaten.

She is the greatest female in the litter, exceptionally cheerful cheerful and full of confidence. Life in Finland is full of challenges, new friends, a new climate with a lot of snow, but it all works great. Alathea Villa is a female that has extraordinary potential for breding, dog show and work.


View Pedigree
15 days old
3 months old
24 – 36 months old (2019)
42 days old
In new home
70 days old
12 – 24 months old (2018)